Today was a little better. I’m a little surprised saying this- but- I actually feel like I have more energy. I also feel very clear. It’s nice. I didn’t really crave stuff the way that I have in the last few days, though as I was reading some of the blogs out there, I was all “I want that” when I saw something good- but, I think that a lot. 98% of the time it does not result in me getting up and eating something, so I suppose that’s okay.
I’m trying to get better with prepping some stuff ahead of time. I’m not a morning person, so it’s especially helpful with getting my lunch together in the morning. Last night, I cleaned and cut up some Brussels sprouts. Here’s what they turned into when I got home from work this evening:
They need some work, so no recipe for now. Aside from the Brussels sprouts, there’s shallot, garlic and dates in there.
Breakfast: banana with flax, strawberries, blueberries and kiwi.
Lunch: Salad with chickpeas, kiwi, coconut water.
Snack: Honeycrisp apple.
Dinner (eaten in stages): Brussels sprouts, salad, chana massala (I’ll post a recipe for this soon, I think. I had a couple of spoonfuls of rice with it).