Eat to Live Day 3

Today I want cookies. Not Oreos, but nice warm homemade chocolate chip ones. I think I still have the ingredients… they’d just have to be whole wheat since I don’t have regular flour…

Today was rough. I recently was transferred to another department at work, and the new department is keeping me very busy. The other one did too, but there’s a culture at the new one of not taking lunch. I’m entitled to an hour’s lunch, but since starting in the new position I’ve only gotten my hour twice- once while doing an informal peer supervision (which is what we always do), and once on a slower day. Most days I have a bunch of meetings that overlap lunchtime. I’m always able to go to the cafeteria and get a salad- it’s eating it that’s the challenge. Salad is pretty hard to scarf down. Fruit is a little easier, but I still end up hungry.

I haven’t cheated as of today, but I did expand to include a serving of whole grains today (allowed, but not recommended for those who have bodies that are resistant to losing weight). It was that, or bake some cookies. I still want to bake those cookies.

Thus far, I’ve had a banana with flax, strawberries and blueberries; an apple; a garden salad with kidney beans (not that many); and 2oz of whole wheat pasta with broccoli and navy beans, along with tomato sauce (homemade). I also had an unsweetened coconut water and a green tea soda sweetened with stevia. (Dr. Furman does say in the book that he does not recommend stevia, as it has little safety research, but well, I’m willing to take that risk. It was that or a Diet Coke. I’m pretty sure the stevia was the better way to go). Also, some strawberries with pineapple.

I will probably have more salad and some fruit in a bit, because I’m still hungry, and well, I haven’t had my second salad yet.

Eat to Live is not making me happy today. I really hope this gets better.

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